About Natalie
Red Lotus Lifestyle Transition Support
Digestive wellness
Food allergies & intolerance
Meal planning and food preparation instruction
Diet and Detoxification
Elimination diets
My Story
Natalie Allinder is the owner of Gaia's Goodies as a Red Lotus Lifestyle Coach/ Consultant, Educator and Living Food Vegan Chef supporting anyone who is looking to heal and thrive using plants & herbs. She is an herbalist in training, as well as a Myomassologist and Reiki Therapist. She is a proud world schooling mum to 6 children who strives to cultivate a mindful existence promoting a connection to nature & the planet while encouraging sustainability and conservation through passionate authentic living!
After my oldest son was sick from 4 1/2 months old to 4 1/2 yrs. He had RSV,( a respiratory virus that when it shows up in older children or adults it's just like a bronchitis but in an infant it can result in death.) By the time he was 4 1/2 years old- the side effects had accumulated and I felt I needed to question western medical practitioners and I decided to find out how to keep him from getting sick in the first place. How could we prevent him from having to use all the steroids that cause secondary illnesses and side-effects. If anybody in the room around Charlie had even a sniffly nose we knew that with in a couple days he will probably have trouble breathing and go right to the liquid steroids because the breathing treatments didn't work.
I chose to study and learn as much as I possibly could about the root cause of illness and how to prevent him from being sick any more and in around about way over the course of a couple of years, it came about that the raw food lifestyle was what I found to be the most helpful.
Since then, from all that I've learned, I put together something called the red lotus lifestyle which incorporates raw living food, superfoods & herbs as well as living a non toxic, eco friendly, sustainable life style including water, air, personal care products, sleep, movement, etc.
After attending classes led by Alissa Cohen, Paula Diana at the Diet For Living Center and distance courses through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, the Body Mind Institute (Level 1 Nutrition and David Wolfe Raw Certification) I have created a curriculum that I will be submitting to the American Association for Drugless Practitioners to certify participants as Raw Chefs, Educators and Health Coaches with both online and in person portions of the course.
I have been leading informative classes on the benefits of healing with raw living foods with demonstrations and food sampling, hosting potlucks and more for the last 6 years at health food stores like Better Health and Oasis Health Foods, Irene's Myomassology Institute, elementary schools, many client's homes and various wellness events. Helping people reclaim optimal wellness with information and delicious homemade, allergen friendly raw vegan food is a significant passion that has become an entire affair for our whole family that includes our six worldschooled children. They have filmed demo videos and taught classes with me and as of the fall of 2016, my husband began helping me at events as well.